Updates here and there…

Greetings Beer Barons of Milwaukee members,
We recently fixed an issue with our shopping cart page, which a few of you have noticed when ordering a membership renewal. We have now fixed this issue. You can renew your membership online at https://beerbarons.org/membership/
Our next meeting is on Wednesday, March 24th. The general meeting will begin at 7:30pm. Please sign up so we can get a head count here: https://signup.com/go/UjYWAnQ
Please note that we will be easing some of our safety protocols. We will be going back to self-service of all taps and commercial containers. Please be sure to bring your own glassware to the next meeting as we will not guarantee the availability of disposable cups. We will have hand sanitizer available at check in and by the taps.  As always, if you feel sick, please stay home and join our Zoom call instead!

February General Meeting – Revolution Brewing



This month, we welcome Kevin Kuzlik of Revolution Brewing to share some of the best beer available from our neighbors to the south.  They are the largest independently owned brewery in the State of Illinois and have won multiple awards from FOBAB to GABF to regularly being recognized by the Brewers Association as one of the best breweries in the nation. 

Only a short drive from the Milwaukee area, they have two locations.  One is the site of their main brewery, which also houses a German beer hall inspired tap room.  The second is the brewpub, the original location, which has some outstanding pub food and a tap lineup that rivals pretty much any craft beer bar around.  

They are well known for their lineup of “Heroes” but over the past few years, their Deep Woods Series has really put them on the map with some amazing barrel aged beers.  If you join us for the meeting, you just might get to try one of them.   You can join us on February 24th, at 7:30, at Clifford’s Supper Club in Hales Corners.

January General Meeting – Gadget night w/Dave January 27 – 7:30

After a year off, our own Dave Campbell is back with another installment of gadget night. A machinist and YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrd5W8kV0qjLNBtQsfF8KFA) celebrity will be presenting some of his favorite inventions for brewing that you can hopefully add to your toolbox. Also, before the meeting, we will have another swap meet. If you have equipment you are looking to sell or trade, or if you are looking to purchase or are in need of something, join us starting at 7:00 and look to make a deal. The swap meet will end when the general meeting starts at 7:30.

We kindly ask that if you are planning on attending, you sign up in advance. We will have some commercial beer for the meeting and want to plan ahead. As with past months, we will be taking temperatures upon entry and will serve any beer from the jockey boxes or commercial beers in single serving cups. The link to sign up can be found below.


Zoom meeting sign up below

Meeting ID: 850 0018 7592

Passcode: 937852


December General Meeting – Christmas Party December 16th @ 7:00 p.m.

Hi Barons,  This month we will be having our annual Christmas party.  Please be advised that the meeting starts @ 7 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m.  There will be food provided by Clifford’s and of course homebrew and some commercial beers.  

We will be continuing with our socially distant protocol, that means Clifford’s will be serving the food and there will be no self serve items.   

Please remember that nobody can eat prior to Officer elections! If you still would like to run let the current board know ASAP!

If you would like to attend but would like to do it virtually please see the link below.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 895 3096 3989

Passcode: beerrocks

Dial by your location

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Passcode: 411144156

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbomEnnvQE

For those not familiar with the club, the next general meeting is on December 16th @ Cliffords Supper Club in Hales Corners. We start @ 7:00 p.m. and during the Covid -19 pandemic the club will be providing disposable cups.

November General Meeting – Belgian Night!

Hello Barons. Sorry for the pic this month, if you dont get it…I am a big Fast and the Furious Fan.  Friendly reminder that the November meeting is one week earlier this month and is on November 18th @ 7:30 p.m.  We are going to have a mix of domestic and imported Belgians which will include some Wit beers, Tripels, Lambics, Strong Ales, and a Quad. Surely there will be something for everybody!  

for those attending online please see below for the Zoom Instructions.

Here is the Zoom Info



Meeting ID: 837 0529 6749

Passcode: Beer Rocks


Dial by your location

312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 837 0529 6749

Passcode: 2772224565

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kc1WMVQdHy

For those not familiar with the club, the next general meeting is on November 18th @ Cliffords Supper Club in Hales Corners. We start @ 7:30 p.m. and during the Covid -19 pandemic the club will be providing disposable cups.

October General Meeting – Barrel Aged Night October 28th – 7:30 p.m.

Hi Barons, please join us in person @ Cliffords or online for a meeting with special Guest Jeremy Wochnick from “The Barrel Mill.”  Also, per club tradition we will have a handful of barrel aged beers aged in FEW distillery barrels.  

Please RSVP if you are attending online or in person.  RSVP Click Here  Also, the virtual instructions are below.



Meeting ID: 850 8912 7870

Passcode: Beer Rocks


Dial by your location

1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

Meeting ID: 850 8912 7870

Passcode: 4169419213


For those not familiar with the club, the next general meeting is on October 28th @ Cliffords Supper Club in Hales Corners. We start @ 7:30 p.m. and during the Covid -19 pandemic the club will be providing disposable cups.

September General Meeting – Beer and Cheese Pairing – Hosted by Sendik’s – September 23rd

Hi Barons, Katlyn Ramey of Sendik’s will be joining us in person and hosting a beer and cheese pairing.  This month will be similar to last month, we will broadcast through Zoom and will have in person attendance. Please RSVP for the meeting by September 16th.

RSVP Here 

FOR VIRTUAL ATTENDEES – Sendik’s is offering two pick up locations for the Beer/Cheese pack.  Either Sendik’s in New Berlin on Moreland and National or in Franklin on 51st and Rawson.  Please submit your RSVP specific to your pick up location.  We will let you know when the beer and cheese boards are ready for pick up.   

Virtual Attendance Information


Meeting ID: 828 6367 7572

Passcode: Beer Rocks

Dial by your location

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 828 6367 7572

Passcode: 4981251081


For those not familiar with the club, the next general meeting is on September 23rd @ Cliffords Supper Club in Hales Corners. We start @ 7:30 p.m. and during the Covid -19 pandemic the club will be providing disposable cups.