January General Meeting – Gadget night w/Dave January 27 – 7:30

After a year off, our own Dave Campbell is back with another installment of gadget night. A machinist and YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrd5W8kV0qjLNBtQsfF8KFA) celebrity will be presenting some of his favorite inventions for brewing that you can hopefully add to your toolbox. Also, before the meeting, we will have another swap meet. If you have equipment you are looking to sell or trade, or if you are looking to purchase or are in need of something, join us starting at 7:00 and look to make a deal. The swap meet will end when the general meeting starts at 7:30.

We kindly ask that if you are planning on attending, you sign up in advance. We will have some commercial beer for the meeting and want to plan ahead. As with past months, we will be taking temperatures upon entry and will serve any beer from the jockey boxes or commercial beers in single serving cups. The link to sign up can be found below.


Zoom meeting sign up below

Meeting ID: 850 0018 7592

Passcode: 937852
