Schnapp Hans Cup 2021 Results are posted

We just wrapped up the 2021 Schnapp Hans Cup, and we are thrilled to announce the winners. Our club had a great showing this year, including a clean sweep of the Strong and Wood-Aged Beers. Congrats to all the Barons and others who medaled as well. The quality of beer this year was the best yet!

Big thanks to everyone who came together to make this competition happen. Without the volunteers, judges, stewards, and entrants we wouldn’t have a competition to enjoy. A huge thanks to our gracious host, the Delafield Brewhaus for making us feel at home and for sponsoring all the awards! Go get a beer and some delicious food there next time you are in the area.

See all the winners here: If you entered, log into your account to download your scoresheets. Prosit!

October General Meeting – Indeed Brewing

Originating in Minneapolis, Indeed Brewing opened a pilot brewery and taproom at 520 S 2nd St in Milwaukee in 2018.  They had been self-distributing in Wisconsin and decided that Milwaukee was the perfect fit for expansion.  Indeed wanted to make it clear that this wasn’t simply going to be a satellite location with all the same variety that you could find in their Minneapolis tap room.  Instead, they operate a pilot system creating new beers while integrating into our community with our locals with a focus on developing new brands while celebrating their existing portfolio.

Fun fact about Indeed, they carried over their tradition of their charitable giving program, Indeed We Can.  Their employee-driven program donates 100% of taproom net profits to a local charity every Wednesday night of the year. This allows them to connect with Milwaukee on a deeper level by engaging with area nonprofits and giving back to our new community.

You can come sample their beer with us on Wednesday October 27th at 7:30pm at Clifford’s Supper Club in Hales Corners.  This meeting is open to members and guests alike ($15 fee for guests, cash only).  As always, new members are always welcome.  At this point in the year, membership is half price ($10) which takes that meeting fee to $10.  We think you get where we are coming from here.  Hope to see you there!!!

Summer Picnic 2021


Park Location

It’s that time again Barons!  The Beer Barons Summer Picnic is only a few short days away.  All members are welcome on Saturday, September 11 between about 12:00-5:00.  Once again we will be meeting at Greenfield Park Picnic Area 5.  The best way to see all the details is to follow this link.  The link for the picnic location is right above this (11515 W Rogers St, West Allis, WI  53227


August General Meeting – Vennture Brewing


Coffee + Beer + Community isn’t just a mantra, it’s a way of life for the folks at Vennture Brewing.  Opened in July 2018, owners Simon McConico, Rob Gustafson, and Jake Rohde know a thing or two about this.  You feel it from the moment you walk through their doors at 5519 W. North Ave in Milwaukee.  Open early to get your hot and cold brew coffee then into the night with some of the best beer in the Milwaukee area.  

We will be having Vennture as our guest this month to tell us more about their brewery and beverages and maybe even a little about their coffee roasting and how they incorporate coffee into all kinds of their creations.  As always, we will be at Clifford’s Supper Club in Hales Corners, 7:30pm, Wednesday, August 25th.  Guests are always welcome ($15, cash only please) and we also are happy to sign up new members to the club.  Hope to see you there.



Category 1 – Perfect for July

Don’t know the relevance of Category 1??  Well then check out this link:  The plan is to do some blind tasting of some of that yellow fizzy stuff you have been around your whole life.  At 7:30pm on Wednesday July 28th, at Clifford’s Supper Club in Hales Corners come join us for some side by side tasting.  You say that you can easily pick out a certain light beer from Milwaukee vs. its counterpart from St. Louis?  Well, come to this meeting and find out.  There just might be a few curveballs thrown in the mix to throw your tastebuds off.  

A few people in our club meet on a regular basis for these kind of tasting comparisons on a regular basis to sample BJCP commercial examples and other commercial versions as well as homebrew versions.  This group has come up with our own sub-category that we have yet to submit to the BJCP, but you can be assured that this mystery group will be in the mix.  Want to find out what that is???  Come join us!  Please sign up below.


Fantasy Draft Competition

For June, we have a little competition on our hands. 9 people/groups took part in a fantasy football style ingredient “draft” during the April meeting. They had to use at least 1 base malt, 2 specialty grains, 2 hops, 1 adjunct, and a randomly selected yeast. The plan is for these to be on the jockey boxes early so everyone can grab a sample for the first 30ish minutes of the
meeting. Make sure to grab a voting ballot to vote on these anonymous choices on the boxes. We will then ask the teams to come up front and say something about the beer they made, then announce the winners.

We haven’t done a comp like this for the club in a while and it should really highlight the brewing skill and creativity of our teams.  Hopefully you can join us.  If you plan on joining us in person, please use the “Signup” below.  If you want to join us remotely, the Zoom link will be active.


Zoom link for this month’s general meeting:


May General Meeting – Lion’s Tail Brewing

Spring has sprung and what better way to celebrate than bring in the Fox Valley’s finest, Lion’s Tail Brewing Co.  Sales Manager Eric Henzel will be in the house sharing some of the best beer in the state.  In the Milwaukee area, we don’t always get a lot of distribution form Lion’s Tail, but when you find it, grab it, trust us.  

A little more than 5 years ago they hit the brewing scene in the Fox Valley and have taken the are by storm.  If you’ve seen it around the MKE area, you are probably already familiar with Juice Cloud, a NEIPA that could be considered their flagship.  While they are known for their IPA’s, they are also leading the charge making slushee style beers, super clean lagers, and some pretty decadent stouts.  What will Eric be bringing Wednesday, May 26th?  We won’t say, only one way to find out.  Join us at Clifford’s Supper Club in Hales Corners at 7:30pm to be in the know.

April General Meeting – Bavarian Bierhaus


This month we welcome our friend, and World of Beer Festival, Bavarian Bierhaus.  If you missed their Halftoberfest celebration, look no further than Clifford’s Supper Club in Hales Corners, 7:30PM, Wednesday April 28th.  We will have the delicious German beer that Bavarian Bierhaus makes on site alongside multiple dipping sauces to pair with Milwaukee Pretzel Company pretzels.  

Don’t forget, if you have lederhosen or a dirndl, you are HIGHLY recommended to wear it to celebrate with us.  We are always welcoming new members as well as guests.  $15 for guests, please bring cash.  We hope to see you there.

March General Meeting – Cache Cider, March 24th

This month we welcome Ethan Keller, Owner and Cidermaker from Cache Cider.  Focusing on single varietal ciders, Cache takes a slightly more traditional swing at ciders, but one that really shows the full expression of the apples.  That’s not to say that there isn’t going to be a little more magic going on in the cidery. 

Please join us at Clifford’s Supper Club in Hales Corners on Wednesday, March 24th, at 7:30 to hear the story of Cache and taste some of Ethan’s excellent work.  If you can’t make it to the meeting, then make sure to find Cache on Facebook or at the taproom, 2612 S. Greeley St. in Bay View.  Hope to see you there!