Meet the Baron: Tim Minger

Age: 57minger

How long have you been a Baron? Since 2008

What style do you brew most often? I always have an Amber Ale on tap as friends and neighbors like that one. I also like to have a Pale Ale on tap.

What got you into brewing? I got into brewing because of David Glazewski. We work together and he brought some homebrew to a company picnic and I thought it was awesome.

How often do you brew? I brew when my supply starts to run low, maybe 4 to 5 times a year. I usually do 10 gallon batches. Unless it is a high gravity brew, then only 5 gallons because my mash tun is too small. I don’t brew as often as I would like to, not enough people come over to drink my beers. Especially in the summer. During Packer season a lot more gets consumed at Packer parties than during the rest of the year. I wish I knew people that liked to drink beer. If anyone knows somebody like that I’m willing to share. 😉

Do you brew solo or with other people? I am a solo brewer, sometimes I have somebody to come over to watch and drink beer while I brew.

What is your favorite style and why? I don’t know if I have a favorite style. I do like Belgians, Stouts, Porters, Pale and IPAs. It depends on what I am in the mood for. I enjoy most styles of beer, mead, cider, wine, whiskey, brandy, schnapps, and Aqua Velva anything with alcohol. I am of German and Irish ancestry, enough said.

What is your favorite brewery and why? Omergang, Tyranena, Lakefront, Founders, and New Holland

What is your commmercial to homebrew consumption ratio? 1 to 1 or close to it.

Have you ever entered a competition? The competitions that I have entered were State Fair in 2010, I won 1st place for a Oktoberfest, 1st place for Best of the German beer categories and was runner up for best of show. Even though my beer was an ale not a lager. I won a silver medal in the Midwinter Comp.; I think it was 2011 for a pale ale. And just recently I won 1st place for my Hefeweizen, that beer also took best of show. I was very surprised, that is a beer style that does not seem to win best of show very often.

What has been your favorite Baron meeting? Besides the November Belgian nights, I enjoy when we have knowledgeable speakers, whether they are commercial or a Baron i.e. Dave Campbell’s talk about some of his gadgets.

What is your day job? My vocation is machinist. I have been working as a machinist since I was a sophomore in high school. I currently work for a contract machine shop. We machine a variety of products from aerospace, mining, oil exploration, food production equipment and the rollers that make M&M’s, Skittles and Reese’s Pieces.

Meet the Baron: Joe Kolbach

Age: 24kolbach

How long have you been a Baron? About a year and a half.

How long have you been brewing? About a year.

What got you into brewing? Did a study abroad in Germany and got hooked on good beer. From there I wanted to start making my own beer.

What kind of equipment do you brew on? Started off doing extract brewing in my kitchen. I now have a 3 tier system and do all grain brewing.

Do you brew solo or with other people? Usually brew solo, but sometimes with other people.

What is your favorite style and why? Since I lived in Germany for a bit I like all the German styles of beer and also tend to brew the German styles as well.

What is your commercial to homebrew consumption ratio? About 50/50. I keg all of my beer, but also keep bottles of commercial beer in the kegerator.

What has been your favorite Baron meeting? I sadly had to miss the Belgium night last year, which I hear is a lot of fun. So for me the holiday party is the best meeting.

Have you served as an officer of the club or would you like to? Never been an officer, but would be interested at some point.

What is the strangest of funniest thing that has happened to you while homebrewing? First time I brewed was an extract kit and once I had the glass carboy sanitized I didn’t realize how slick the sanitizer made the carboy and I dropped the empty carboy on a tile floor. Luckily it didn’t break or chip.

Meet the Baron: Dave Hardeman

Age: 34davehardeman2012

How long have you been a Baron? Over 2 years.

How long have you been brewing? Approx 2 years. Brewed extract beers for around 6 months then stepped up to All Grain and never looked back.

What style do you brew most often? I don’t feel like I stick to any specific style. But I admit I do like hoppy beers.

What got you into brewing? I always wanted to try brewing. I love cooking and to me it was an extension to that. It helped having friends and the club push me into it as well.

How often do you brew? 1-2 times a month. My wife loves beer as much as I do.

Do you brew solo or with other people? Solo mostly but it is always fun to brew with friends whenever possible.

What is your favorite style and why? I wouldn’t say I have a favorite. Belgians and Hoppy beers I like the best. I like sticking to styles but sometimes thinking outside the box is just as good. There are all kinds of good beer out there not in “style”.

What is your favorite beer? I love many Craft brewers, but no favorite. Bell’s, Stone, Dogfish, Three Floyds, Southern Tier are all up on the top of my list.

What is your favorite brewery and why? Hard Hops Brewery because I can make whatever I want.

What has been your favorite Baron meeting? I have always enjoyed all the Barons meetings. The Christmas parties and Unibroue (one of the Belgian meetings) are my favorites.

What is your commercial to homebrew consumption ratio? 50/50. I like variety so until I can have an endless amount of beers on tap I will probably always explore commercial beers. There are many beers I like to try but don’t want to drink 5 gallons of so a bomber or 6-pack is perfect.

Meet the Baron: Bob Manke

Age: 52bobmanke2

How long have you been a Baron? Only a couple of months now.

How long have you been brewing? 11 years overall but really just the last year seriously.

What style do you brew most often? American Ales, Belgiam Wits, Hefe-Weisse, Dunkel Lagers. At this point I’m still trying to find a favorite.

What got you into brewing? Discovering that homebrewed beer is much better than stuff you buy and tasting kegs at parties in the 80s and 90s. In 1999 a good friend named Tom took the time to help me with my initial modest equipment purchase to do an ex- tract honey-weisse. After one successful extract batch I went on a homebrew hiatus for 10 years until last year when I was on a busi- ness trip with another colleague that was into homebrewing and visited the Brasserie Dubisson close to the France/Belgium border and went on a behind the scene tour of this very old brewery with an interesting guide. We ended up asking all sorts of brewing ques- tions and this re-sparked my interest.

How often do you brew? I started brewing for parties like Thanksgiving or Christmas and was tired of running out of beer too fast so now I’m averaging about twice a month; eight batches since June this year. I’m just making the switch to AG for my next batch with my new 15 Gallon kettle and wort chiller.

Do you brew solo or with other people? Mostly solo but I invite friends over who are interested.

What is your favorite style and why? A nice frothy Hefe-Weisse I guess. Taste, aroma, and low hops. Getting into Munich Dunkel Lagers lately… Again low hops, smooth creamy character.

What is your favorite beer? Has been Blue Moon for a few years along with Hacker-Schoor Hefe-Weisse. Now liking Hoegaarden and Hofbrau Dunkel Lagers.

What is your commercial to homebrew consumption ratio? 60%- 40% and getting lower. I’m looking to eventually keep 3 – 5 kegs on tap with some lagering space in a chest freezer.

What has been your favorite Baron meeting? The picnic.

What is the next Baron function for which you plan on volunteering? One of the local competitions next summer/fall.