Tracy Hurst, President and co-founder of Metropolitan Brewing Company along with her former husband, CEO & Brewmaster Doug Hurst, are Wisconsin natives brewing in Chicago. Tracy is joining us to introduce us to the brewery and well crafted lager beers.
August 2015 – General Meeting: Metropolitan
The Beer Barons of Milwaukee invite you to attend our upcoming member meeting, Wednesday, August 26th at our usual location, Cliffords Supper Club in Hales Corners.
The August meeting will be a commercial meeting ($10) featuring Tracy Hurst of Metropolitan Brewing Company. Tracy and her husband, Doug are Wisconsin natives brewing in Chicago. Metropolitan began distributing into the Wisconsin market this spring. Bring your lager process questions to the meeting as Tracy and Doug brew lager beers exclusively! As a bonus, we’ll be sampling Metropolitan’s not yet released Oktoberfest among others.
As always, we encourage you to bring your homebrew to share. We’d like each member who brings a keg to talk a little about the beer you’re sharing. This allows you to better showcase your homebrew as well as receive constructive feedback from the club. If you bring a keg (or enough bottles to share) to the meeting and email the board in advance to let us know what you are bringing, we will give you $20 for your ingredients. Please e-mail [email protected] and let Josh know directly at [email protected] so we can have adequate serving equipment on hand.
Meeting Podcast – Usingers Sausage and Beer Pairing
Dave Mueller from Usinger’s Sausage will be our guest for our first ever “Usinger’s sausage and Milwaukee craft brew pairing.” We’ll be sampling various Usinger’s sausages along with beers from Milwaukee area craft brewers. The brewers at Sprecher, Lakefront, MKE Brewing Co., Brenner and St. Francis Brewing have been gracious enough to hand select the beers for this pairing. In addition, Chef Don Walsh Jr. of The Blue Heron Supper Club in Big Bend, WI. and Chef Scott Mattfeld of Quarry Catering in Lannon, WI. are busy designing prepared sausage samplers around these beer selections (does chicken sausage wrapped in apple wood smoked bacon sound good?).
July 2015 – General Meeting: Karben4
The Beer Barons of Milwaukee invite you to attend our upcoming member meeting, Wednesday, July 22nd at our usual location, Cliffords Supper Club in Hales Corners.
The July meeting will be a commercial meeting ($10) featuring Karben4 Brewing Company out of Madison. Brewmaster Ryan Koga along with owners Alex Evan and Zak Koga will be our guests. Karben4 is currently in limited distribution in the Milwaukee area so this will be an excellent opportunity to sample taproom-only beers while talking with the guys at K4 about their rapid success in the Wisconsin brewing industry.
As always, we encourage you to bring your homebrew to share. Beginning this month we’d like each member who brings a keg to talk a little about the beer you’re sharing. This allow you to better showcase your homebrew as well as receive contructive feedback from the club. If you bring a keg (or enough bottles to share) to the meeting and email the board in advance to let us know what you are bringing, we will give you $20 for your ingredients. Please e-mail [email protected] and let Josh know directly at [email protected] so we can have adequate serving equipment on hand.
Meeting Podcast – Karben 4
Karben4 Brewing Company out of Madison. Brewmaster Ryan Koga along with owners Alex Evan and Zak Koga will be our guests. Karben4 is currently in limited distribution in the Milwaukee area so this will be an excellent opportunity to sample taproom-only beers while talking with the guys at K4 about their rapid success in the Wisconsin brewing industry.
Meeting Podcast – Bill Tressler – Hinterland
Bill Tressler, owner of Hinterland Brewing & Gastropubs as guest speaker. Hinterland Gastropub continues to be one of the most highly rated restaurants in Milwaukee and they have also been collaborating with local craft brewers and retailers recently so this should be a very interesting meeting. We’ll be sampling some of Hinterland’s year-round, seasonal and taproom-only beers.
April 2015 – General Meeting: Hinterland
The Beer Barons of Milwaukee invite you to attend our upcoming member meeting, Wednesday, April 22 at our usual location, Cliffords Supper Club in Hales Corners.
The April meeting will be a commercial meeting ($10). This month we have Bill Tressler, owner of Hinterland Brewing & Gastropubs as guest speaker. Hinterland Gastropub continues to be one of the most highly rated restaurants in Milwaukee and they have also been collaborating with local craft brewers and retailers recently so this should be a very interesting meeting. We’ll be sampling some of Hinterland’s year-round, seasonal and taproom-only beers.
As always, we encourage you to bring your homebrew to share. Bringing your beer to a meeting is a great way to get feedback and share your delicious brew with like-minded beer enthusiasts. If you bring a keg (or enough bottles to share) to the meeting and email the board in advance to let us know what you are bringing, we will give you $20 for your ingredients. Please e-mail [email protected] or let Josh know directly at [email protected] so we can have adequate serving equipment on hand.
Meeting Podcast – Dean Coffey – Ale Asylum
We keep the Madison brewery theme going when Dean Coffey, Co-Founder and Brewmaster of Ale Asylum joins to talk about the recent brewery expansion and all things Ale Asylum. Be sure not to miss this one as there might be a beer or two to sample which you won’t currently find on shelves.
Another great session with Dean as he talks answers our many questions about Ale Asylum and brewing.
Meeting Podcast – Rob Lobreglio – Great Dane
Rob talks to us about Great Dane, his history and home brewing, his brewing philosophy, and the brewing industry and more.
Meeting Podcast and Slides – Dave Campbell – Beer Barons
Dave Campbell gives us another great standup routine that includes helpful tips for making brewing gadgets!
We kick it off with Ben Caya of Spike Brewing Equipment.