Drunk Driving Prevention from Home Schooling Adventures

Recently we received a message form Home Schooling Adventures, an after-school program for youth based in upstate New York, about their project focused on drunk driving prevention. The leaders encouraged their students to think about how they could help promote responsible consumption not just in their region but beyond.

One of the students, Kevin, found an article from a Minneapolis law firm with some common sense practices for preventing drunk driving. He also looked for sites that would be a great conduit for sharing that information. Needless to say they found us, and we are happy to participate!

We want to thank Home Schooling Adventures for educating young folks about the dangers of drunk driving and how to avoid it. It’s a lesson that is important for people of all ages. A special shout out to Kevin for making this happen. Progress and education happen when people put thoughts and plans into action. Keep it up Kevin and class!

Here is Kevin’s link:


August 2016 – Black Husky Brewing

black huskyPlease join us for an evening with Tim and Toni Eichinger of Black Husky Brewing. They are going to be talking about their recent move to Milwaukee’s Riverwest neighborhood. With their new tap room and brewery they are able to increase production and bring more of their delicious beer to our fair city.

The meeting kicks off at 7:30pm at Clifford’s Supper Club on Wednesday, August 24th.

Don’t forget to contact Josh if you plan on bringing a keg to share on the Jockey Boxes this month. We look forward to seeing you there!

Meeting Media – Denny Conn Presentation

If you weren’t able to make it to our July meeting, you missed an excellent presentation by Denny Conn. Thanks again to Denny for taking the time to come visit us, talk to us about recipe formulation and take our questions. Another big thanks to Baron Jonathan Ettlie with Craft Meister for bringing Denny out to Milwaukee.

Here are the media files from the meeting for your enjoyment and education. Cheers!

July 2016 – General Meeting: Denny Conn!


We cordially invite you to join us for our July 27th meeting with visiting homebrew legend Denny Conn. Denny will be giving a lecture about recipe formulation, taking questions, and hanging out with us for the evening.

If you aren’t familiar with Denny, he has been a huge influence in the homebrewing community. He has several recipes in circulation as Northern Brewer kits, has written a few books, he  blogs and podcasts about his homebrewing experiments, and popularized the batch sparge technique.

Denny is in town promoting his new book, and will be spending the evening with us at Clifford’s Supper Club in Hales Corners at 7:30 pm. We are waiving the guest fee for members of other homebrew clubs, so the door price is just $10, which includes all the homebrew you’d care to enjoy! 

Come hang out with a homebrewing legend, and bring your best brews to share! If you’d like to put something on the jockey box, please email Josh before the meeting to reserve a tap line. If your keg is not a ball-lock, please bring the appropriate adapter. See you soon!

Image from homebrewcon.org

June 2016 – General Meeting: Almanac Beer Company

Alamanac_logo_2On June 22nd, we are delighted to have Almanac Beer Company, out of Northern California, as our guests for the evening. Almanac is a highly acclaimed brewery best known for it’s farm-to-barrel blends with roots in both homebrewing and Wisconsin.

Founders Jesse Friedman and Damian Fagan began homebrewing while living in San Francisco. Using local farmer’s markets as a launching pads for recipe and blending ideas, they approached beer from a culinary angle. Eventually they decided to ramp things up and go pro.

Jesse grew up in Madison, Wisconsin and is excited to have Almanac entering the Wisconsin markets via a new deal with local distributor Breakthru.

Join us for a unique and exciting opportunity to hear from Almanac’s National Sales Manager, Chris Matthiessen, directly and to try some of their creative beers! Chris has been with Almanac from the beginning, and is ready to answer any questions regarding ABC.

If you would like to bring a keg of homebrew to share, please email Josh for scheduling. Please note: if you are bringing a non-ball-lock keg, let us know so we can accommodate your keg.

Another great World of Beer Fest

wobWe had a great time hosting the 2016 World of Beer festival yesterday.  The early rain kept us cool as we poured a host of great beers for our guests at the Schwabenof.

A big thank you to the volunteers and vendors who make this event possible. As always, the beer selection was top-notch, and I was very impressed with all the creative, delicious and well-made homebrew that was served out on the patio.

We hope you had a great time with us, and we are already looking forward to 2017.

Check out some panaromas of the event: https://goo.gl/photos/W7CdhP2Yn21zYtPGA


May 2016 – General Meeting: Like Minds Brewing

like_mindsJoin us on May 25th for our first commercial night of the year! We are proud to have John Lavelle, head brewer and co-owner of Like Minds Brewing Company, as our guest for the evening. John will talk about his unique collaboration with Justin Aprahamian (the James Beard award-winning chef, of Sanford‘s here in Milwaukee) and the formation of Like Minds.

As you may know, the duo originally tried to open their brewery here in Wisconsin, but were forced to open out of state. That decision was recently reversed, and they will be opening a restaurant and brewery in Milwaukee’s lower east side. Come out to learn more about John and Like Minds, and to celebrate their move back into Milwaukee!

Per usual, if you’d like to bring some home brew to share on the Jockey Boxes this month, be sure so send an email to Josh and let him know.



April 2016 – General Meeting: Warren Siskoff, TTB

ttbWe are happy to announce that our guest for the April meeting will be Warren Siskoff. Warren is an investigator with the TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau). He will be talking to us about the requirements set forth by the TTB to open a new brewery and other things beer+legal.

Even if you don’t plan on opening a new brewery (who hasn’t thought about it?!), it will be an interesting and informative journey into what our favorite local brewers are required to adhere to from a regulation and taxation perspective. Bring your questions on April 27th!

If you would like to bring home brew to put on the club Jockey Boxes this month, please email Josh and let him know.