May 2017 – General Meeting: Eagle Park Brewing Co.

This month we welcome Jackson Borgardt of Eagle Park Brewing Company. Eagle Park is one of the new breweries to open their doors to the public in Milwaukee. Those of you who went on the bus trip might remember their brewery as the unplanned stop to the brewery above Enlightened. Following the bus trip I heard many positive stories from the Barons about their experience, we decided to reach out and have EPBC join us.

Eagle Park Brewing was founded by two brothers who live to write music and drink beer. Like their band, the brewing started in the garage, and like their songs, the beer tells a story. It’s a story of dedication and commitment to the craft beer community that comes through in every pour, every toast, and every taste.
Jackson says he “would love to talk about [his] experiences of converting from a home brewer to going pro and all the challenges and rewards with starting a brewery.” He also wants to talk about his plans for growing his brewery from one of the smallest in Wisconsin and diving into contract brewing with Octopi.

As usual, the meeting will start at 7:30 at Clifford’s and please remember to bring a tasting class (or two).

Photo Credit Eagle Park Brewing Co.

March 2017 – General Meeting: Yeast Parallel with Good City

March’s general meeting will be a hybrid Homebrew/Commercial night featuring a yeast parallel collaboration with Good City Brewing Company.

About 1 month ago, several Barons collected about 60 gallons of Irish Red wort from Good City and brought it home to ferment it with different yeasts or different conditions. Using the same wort, we can eliminate all of the variables associated with the brewing process itself and focus on fermentation characteristics.

Join us while we get an opportunity to sample all 12 of the examples side by side and discuss the differences from the yeast and comparing it to the commercial example. The meeting will start at 7:30 at Clifford’s.

We will also be welcoming Andy Jones, Owner and Brewmaster of Good City, to discuss his beer and sample what he has to offer. Andy is a graduate of UC Davis, has worked at Goose Island and most recently spent about 8 years working for Lakefront.

Heads Up!

  • Will not have room for member beers on the Jockey Box this month. Please bring some bottles to share instead!
  • The March Swap Meet will be happening before the meeting. It starts at 6:30. If you want to bring stuff to trade, please get there by 6:00. See the Swap Meet post for details.
  • Starting at about 7p we will have about a half-dozen BJCP judges available to give you immediate feedback on your homebrew. This is a great way to get feedback on your brews, without waiting for the next competition. The judges will give you constructive criticism, suggest ways to make improvements, and if any flaws are detected, they will help diagnose the source.

Photo: Good City

March Swap Meet – Updated

Dust off that unused brewing equipment (or ingredients) and turn it into cash – or trade it with a fellow brewer!

The General Meeting on March 22nd (at Clifford’s Supper Club) will feature a pre-meeting swap meet. Please bring any equipment you’d like to trade to the back of the hall between 6:00 and 6:15pm. The swap will run from 6:30 to 7:15. It will be an excellent opportunity to upgrade your brewery, or create some needed space.


  • The swap is not limited to just equipment
    • Bring any hops or grain that you would like trade
  • Please bring cash if you plan to purchase instead of trade
  • Remember to come early; it’s the early bird that gets the worm


February 2017 – General Meeting: 3rd Sign & Octopi

On February 22nd, we will welcome Sara Brauer, the Sales Manager of 3rd Sign Brewery and Octopi Brewing companies, and Sam Green the header brewer for 3rd Sign. Please join us at Clifford’s at 7:30pm for a fun-filled and educational evening as Sara and Sam introduce us to 3rd Sign and lend insight into the new contract-brewing outfit in Madison: Octopi Brewing.

Both 3rd Sign and Octopi are relatively new. Octopi was created as a one-stop contract brewing resource to help smaller breweries with everything from brewing, packaging and distribution. 3rd Sign is the in-house brand of the Octopi team.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting. If you would like to bring a beer for the Jockey Box, please email the officers and let us know.

Lastly, if you would like to get some helpful feedback on any of your beers – without putting them on the Jockey Box – we will have a few of our club’s BJCP judges available to provide one-on-one feedback during social hour. Feel free to bring and bottle and find the judges!

Milwaukee Bus Trip: New Breweries


Tickets are now sold out

In 2016, Milwaukee had an explosion of newly opened breweries and tap rooms. We plan to make a day out of visiting a few of them. Reserve your spot with us as we travel our fair city on Saturday, February 25th checking out many of the newly opened breweries. The reservation is for the bus transport only – a safe and fun way to travel between destinations. Participants will be paying for their own beer samples and food as we travel from place to place.

This trip is for club members, with each member allowed to bring guests. We need to have 30 people signed up in order to make this trip feasible. If we do not get enough support, we will happily refund any reservations.

Here are some details:

We leaving the the Loomis Rd. Park & Ride at 11:30am and heading for Black Husky. After that we hope to hit:

We will return to the Park & Ride by 6:00pm.

All participants need to have a safe driver to take them home after the event.


2017 Board of Directors Elections

Our elections will be held during our Holiday Party, on Wednesday December 21st. The meeting starts at 7:00pm. The elections will be held by secret ballot, with each member getting one vote for each position.

Here is the ballot:

  • President:
    • Jason Rohloff
  • Vice President:
    • Max Liptack
    • Joe Wichgers
  • Treasurer:
    • Mike Borchert
  • Secretary:
    • Steve Swanson
  • Sergeant At Arms
    • Mike Sande
  • Member At Large (2 positions)
    • Terry McDonald
    • Simon McConico

Each candidate will have a chance to introduce themselves before the election takes place.

A big thanks to the members stepping up to run for the 2017 Board! Best of luck to them all!

Don’t forget to register for Schnapp Hans

SchnappHansCupThe deadline for our Schnapp Hans Cup is fast approaching. Be sure to register your beer and get them dropped off at Northern Brewer by 5pm on Saturday (9/24). We look forward to judging your brews and hope to be handing you a medal at the ceremony on October 8th.

If you are interested in being a judge or steward this year, you can sign up on the website for that as well.

Please visit for more information and registration.

Our Summer Picnic is right around the corner

picnicMark your calendars! The 2016 Beer Barons Summer Picnic will be on Saturday September 10th at Picnic Area 3 on the Root River Parkway rain or shine. We kick off about noon with a food provided (burgers, brats, chicken breast, salads) along with all our drafts lines pouring homemade beers, meads and ciders. We encourage you to bring a dish to share, chairs, pop-up tents, towels, yard games or any other summer-outdoor-type-of-thing.

Bring your best beer, mead, or cider for a chance to win our ‘best beverage’ get your name etched on the Jerry Hetzel Memorial Mash Paddle. There is also a ‘food-made-with-beer’ competition for any edible you bring that includes beer/mead/cider as a recipe component. Both competitions are popular-vote style, voted on by our guests.

We will be holding out annual picnic raffle again this year. We have a lot of great things in the raffle, including a kettle from Spike Brewing, Spiegelau glasses, Thermapens, stainless steel growlers and more! Raffle tickets will be sold at the picnic: 30 for $20, 10 for $10, 3 for $5, and 1 for $2.

Each guest (over 21) will receive a 4 or 6 pack of beer as a door prize to take home with them.

We are starting at noon. If you bring a keg and/or a dish (and you should!) please affix your name to your vessel so we can make sure to send it home with you!

Please join us for a day of fun! As always guests under 18 are free, but must be accompanied by an adult 21 years or older. All guests must be accompanied by a Member.

Buy your tickets online now!

Drunk Driving Prevention from Home Schooling Adventures

Recently we received a message form Home Schooling Adventures, an after-school program for youth based in upstate New York, about their project focused on drunk driving prevention. The leaders encouraged their students to think about how they could help promote responsible consumption not just in their region but beyond.

One of the students, Kevin, found an article from a Minneapolis law firm with some common sense practices for preventing drunk driving. He also looked for sites that would be a great conduit for sharing that information. Needless to say they found us, and we are happy to participate!

We want to thank Home Schooling Adventures for educating young folks about the dangers of drunk driving and how to avoid it. It’s a lesson that is important for people of all ages. A special shout out to Kevin for making this happen. Progress and education happen when people put thoughts and plans into action. Keep it up Kevin and class!

Here is Kevin’s link: