It comes once a year, starts 30 minutes early, and is one of the best parties you’ll be invited to all year. No, it’s not your company holiday party filled with ugly sweaters and the weird guy from IT, it’s the Barons’ Holiday Party. Note the date and time, December 18th starting at 7:00pm. Once the Officer voting is complete, but not before, we get to start with the delicious food courtesy of Clifford’s Supper Club. Please bring a dish to pass, but nothing that needs an outside power source. There is no programming for the night, just an evening to celebrate with friends. This is a Members only event. Members are welcome to attend for $15 and bring a guest for an additional $5. Non members are $25 and it includes a membership thru January and you can bring an additional guest for $5. Cash only at the meeting or register in our store.
As always, we will have a pay to play giveaway, so bring those dollars. We will have a number of special things on tap and ask our members to bring their best homebrews to put on tap as well. Make sure to reserve a tap in our jockey boxes! It will be a night full of excellent brews, tasty treats, and great times.