May Meeting – Modern Mead Making with Mazer Cup Best of Show Winner Jason Rohloff

Mead is the first known alcoholic beverage consumed by mankind and is believed to predate wine by nearly three thousand years. Today, mead is often referred to as ‘honey wine’ because the process of making mead and wine are so similar. The key difference is the use of honey rather than grapes as a source of sugar. Jason has been making mead for about six years, but has racked up an impressive number of awards including the Mazer Cup Best of Show! Jason will be discussing modern mead making methodology, techniques and dispelling the old myths of mead making. Learn how to scale down batches, apply modern science and Jason’s techniques to make award winning mead yourself.

Here are just a few of Jason’s Awards!
3 medals in the 2023 Mead Stampede
Silver and gold in 2023 Valkyrie’s Horn mead comp (including 2nd BOS overall)
4 total mead medals in Midwinter past 3 years
2023 Mazer Cup Overall BOS
Operation Fermentation 3 mead medals past 2 years
Silver in Domras Cup 2023
2024 Valkyrie’s Horn Silver and Gold medals, overall BOS

The meeting kicks off at 7:30pm at Clifford’s Supper Club on 5/22. As usual, guests are welcome for $20 and the fee is $15 for members. Don’t forget to bring your tasting glasses and a friend!