Fantasy Draft Competition

For June, we have a little competition on our hands. 9 people/groups took part in a fantasy football style ingredient “draft” during the April meeting. They had to use at least 1 base malt, 2 specialty grains, 2 hops, 1 adjunct, and a randomly selected yeast. The plan is for these to be on the jockey boxes early so everyone can grab a sample for the first 30ish minutes of the
meeting. Make sure to grab a voting ballot to vote on these anonymous choices on the boxes. We will then ask the teams to come up front and say something about the beer they made, then announce the winners.

We haven’t done a comp like this for the club in a while and it should really highlight the brewing skill and creativity of our teams.  Hopefully you can join us.  If you plan on joining us in person, please use the “Signup” below.  If you want to join us remotely, the Zoom link will be active.


Zoom link for this month’s general meeting: